
About the Site

Circle Hex is a website containing the weird adult projects of Dr. Aleph Fell / Habisain, and whatever other stuff takes his fancy.

This means it has the potential to have a lot of odd stuff on it. This can range from translations of Japanese adult games to niche research, such as algorithmic decensoring, to fan pages where non-Japanese speakers can see information about adult games.

This site tries to be nice and respectful, despite the content that it hosts. One thing that is true is that while one is free to agree or disagree with Japanese culture as it relates to adult material, at least in Japan they have the discussions about what is and isn't acceptable in a fairly civilised manner. The same cannot be said about the West, where pornography is still taboo and not discussed. One of the reasons for Circle Hex to exist is to try and get these civilised discussions started.

It probably won't succeed there, what with the current lack of a forum, but at least it can try.

About the Proprietor

Dr. Aleph Fell is the more formal of the two pseudonyms used by the proprietor of Circle Hex, Habisain is the more informal. And to be honest, the one that is used more. Aleph is, by trade, an academic researcher in Computer Science with specialisations in Maths and Machine Learning. By hobby, Aleph is a translator, odd utility programmer and interested in adult games. This is a bit odd actually, as he is also predominantly asexual. So you certainly could certainly characterise Aleph as eccentric.

Aleph also uses Amy Rose as an avatar image in quite a lot of places. It's probably best not to think too hard on that. Aleph is on Twitter, but being quite an introvert, quite often goes for long periods without tweeting. Aleph is also fairly active on the ULMF.org forum.

Aleph is the developer of the RPGMaker Trans and Jape Trans software.

For those who care about such things, Aleph uses a combination of masculine (he/his) and gender neutral (Dr.) pronouns. He probably would use more gender neutral pronouns, but despairs that in modern English, they/their as a singular pronoun doesn't sound right. Or at least not to him.

The Ethics of this Place

Despite containing a lot of dubious adult content, this place does have strong and opinionated ethics. A more detailed position piece will soon be published in a news post. However, a quick list of the ethical principles that guide Circle Hex follows:

  1. This place respects women. It also respects other groups which can be subject to discrimination, but given the content and discussions hosted, there has to be an emphasis on respect towards women.
  2. This place only hosts fictional content.
  3. This place is opposed to pornographic materials where consent or lack thereof is not obvious, which includes most mainstream pornography.
  4. On appropriate subjects, this is a place of science and evidence. While opinion has its place, science and evidence will always be preferred.
  5. This place will not host content or discussions which is or are blantantly discriminatory to any subset of the race Homo Sapiens. In the event of accidental or unthinking discrimination, which happens more often that people on either side of the politically correct crowd care to admit, apologies are preferred.
  6. This place will not host or discuss sexual content which depicts underage characters.

To post here you don't have to agree with all of these ethical principles in person, because that is clearly something which cannot be enforced, but I would ask you to respect them while you are here.
